The Youth Wind Orchestra Kleinmachnow (JBO Kleinmachnow) came into being in 1990, as an association. There were 25 persons. Already 4 years before, that means in 1986 the artists started playing music together. In 1995 the association was terminated. The Orchestra became a part of the District's Music School "Engelbert Humperdinck" in the district Potsdam-Mittelmark. In 1999 Martin Aust - teacher of saxophon and clarinet - became the Orchestra's director. At this time there were 55 active musicians in the age of 11 to 24.
The repertoire contains as well as classical music as modern arrangements of rock and pop. Besides of performances in the framework of the District's Music School JBO Kleinmachnow takes part in different local events in Kleinmachnow and the surroundings of Berlin. Regularly it performes at orchestras' meetings and music competitions as for example the Music Gala in Rastede. It played in the USA (1992), Belarus (1995) and in Poland. From time to time the Orchestra plays common concerts with the youth band of Schopfenheim (twin town of Kleinmachnow).
more about the orchestra:
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